Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Bullying In School
By Blume Fan SC
The definition of bullying is to intimidate a weaker person. Intimidation has gone online, which is called cyber-bullying. Cyber-Bullying is by cell phone or Facebook. For example Bob puts up on Facebook, "Who thinks Timmy Is annoying ?"
How Do You Deal With Bullying?
To deal with bullying you have to ignore the bully. If he makes a bad comment turn it into a joke. If that doesn't help,talk to an adult about these situations that happen in school.
How Do Other People Respond to Bullying ?
Some schools believe they have the job to stop bullying. In Massachusetts they have cut bullying down. They passed a law against bullying at school. Here in I.S.227 they find the person who did the mean stuff and they get suspended.
What I Think About Bullying
I think that bullying should stop because it's being done almost in all the states, countries, and even continents and it hurts people in many ways. I also think that bullying should be against the law everywhere so no one gets hurt or commits suicide.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Soccer: Past and Present

Soccer Through the Ages
by ChrisAngel
Did you know soccer was played 3,000 years ago?
3,000 years ago Japan hosted the first game ever played. There were also games in China in 50 BC. If Japan and China played today who would you pick? In Kyoto in 611 AD a game was played that was like modern soccer. The Romans played a game that was like modern soccer too.
What was the game in ancient Rome like?
The first soccer games played at the Olympics games had teams of 27 men. The players played soccer hard. Some players had to go to the hospital because they played so hard during the 50 minute games.
King Edward in England (1307-1327) passed a law against soccer. In the 1800’s queen Elizabeth the First saw players playing in the villages. She said they should be put to jail for a week.
In1815 at Eton college in England; soccer was back. They wrote the first rule book at Eton.
In 1904 FIFA was started in Paris; France. FIFA stands for the Federacion Internationale de Football association. FIFA runs the World Cup. Soccer teams from all over the world play in the World Cup.
My favorite teams are from Mexico. My favorite teams are Chivas, Santos and Cruz Azul.
Chivas usually plays on Saturday. The Chivas colors are red, white, and blue. I own a Chivas t-shirt. My shirt is yellow, white, and blue. I wear the shirt when it’s summer. My father plays for a different team in New York, where we live. My father and I always make a bet about who will win the game. Soccer makes me and my family connected.
The world is being connected by soccer, even in the past and into the future.